What are Plant Assets? Definition Meaning Example

what is a plant asset?

These assets are classified as fixed assets if their cost exceeds the capitalization threshold of a business, and they are expected to be used for more than one reporting period. Any asset may be included in the plant assets classification, as long as it contributes to the generation of sales. The name plant assets comes from the industrial revolution era where factories and plants were one of the most common businesses. This category of assets is not limited to factory equipment, machinery, and buildings though.

what is a plant asset?


If you buy a piece of land for $1,000 and then decide to sell it at $2,500, the land will be depreciated over the life of the contract. This is because the price you paid for the property is based on the market value at the time you bought it, not the actual value when you sold it. Let us try to understand the depreciation and plant asset disposal methods.

Plant assets must also be reviewed for impairment at regular intervals. This classification is rarely used, having been superseded by such other asset classifications as Buildings and Equipment. Here’s an overview of GE Vernova’s business and whether the stock would benefit investors’ portfolios. For example, a new plant may be valued at $100,000, but if it is expected to last 10 years, it may cost $1 million to build and maintain. A plant with a 10-year life may have a value between $10 million and $20 million, depending on how long it will be used and how much maintenance is required to keep it in good working order.

Plant assets definition

  1. The company also has a printing press for printing customized merchandise with brand designs.
  2. In loose terms, the difference between the salvage value and the actual cost of the asset is known as depreciation.
  3. This means when a piece of equipment is purchased an expense isn’t immediately recorded.
  4. When researching companies, the financial statement is a great place to start.
  5. Instead, a part of the cost is periodically charged to the expense account to depreciation the plant assets.
  6. Depreciation is the process of deducting a portion of an asset’s value from its purchase price and then paying the difference to the original owner.

Plant assets are recorded at their cost and depreciation expense is recorded during their useful lives. The depreciation expense in this method is calculated by subtracting the residual value of an asset from the cost and dividing the remainder by a number of years(useful life). The straight-line method’s illustration has been given in the above example.

Any asset that will provide an economic benefit within one year is a current asset. Plants are considered a “current asset” because PP&E has a useful life longer than one year. A plant is a physical object that can be used to produce a product or service. Let’s skim through the concept of depreciation for the plant assets.


If the benefit is less than a year, it will fall under current asset. Later on, the company will charge the depreciation according to the method of depreciation it impaired asset definition usually follows. 18,000 USD must be charged to the plant asset account for every financial year as a depreciation expense.

Every year, the percentage is applied to the remaining value of the asset to find depreciation expense. In the initial years of the asset, the amount of depreciation expense is higher and decreases as time passes. Therefore, business optimization blueprint this method is called as declining balance method. For example, an office building is fixed and cannot be changed.

Broadly speaking, an asset is anything that has value and can be owned or used to produce value, and can theoretically be converted to cash. In business, assets can take several forms – equipment, patents, investments, and even cash itself. Here’s a rundown of the different types of assets a business can possess, and the type of assets that are considered to be plant assets.

While they’re most definitely both considered part of the asset category, current assets and plant assets don’t share all that much in common. Depreciation is the process by which a plant asset experiences wear and tear over a particular period of time. Depreciation expense – calculated in several different ways – is then carried through to the income statement and reduces net income. Over time, plant asset values are also reduced by depreciation on the balance sheet.

what is a plant asset?

As the fixed assets last longer, the expenses are divided over the item until they’re useful. However, it is still included as a tangible asset on the balance sheets of the companies that own and operate the plants. In addition, plant assets that are used for the production of goods or services are not considered to be assets of a particular business. Plant assets are a specific type of asset on a company’s balance sheet. An asset is anything that can be owned or used to produce value, and can also be used for other purposes. For example, the value of a factory is the amount of value it can produce.

In the balance sheet of the business entity, these assets are recorded under the head of non-current assets as Plant, property, and equipment. The assets can be further categorized as tangible, intangible, current, and non-current assets. Current assets are liquid assets that quickly change into cash. It includes cash/bank, short-term securities, inventories, account receivables, etc.

Anything that can be used productively to general sales for the company can fall into this category. These assets can be used to produce revenues, but they can also be sold or disposed of at a later date. For example, if a company sells a plant to a third party, the plant is no longer considered a fixed asset and is not included in the company’s balance sheet.

How do you calculate plant assets?

The straight-line method is the most commonly used method in most business entities. It is also called a fixed-installment method, as equal amounts of depreciation are charged every year over the useful life of an asset. There are different methods of depreciation that a business entity can use. Many business entities use different depreciation methods for financial reporting and tax purposes.


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